Our tour of the Capitoline Museum continues back inside the building. Some day I'll actually go through the Forum and will post more about it.

Here is the Capitoline Wolf, conveniently located in the Hall of the She-Wolf. This of course is Romulus and Remus suckling from a she-wolf. The two brothers would go on to found Rome and Romulus would be its first king.

Sarah inspecting the anatomical correctness of a statue.

This is the head of Medusa by Bernini. She looks very sad to have snakes for hair, and is way prettier than the version in Clash of the Titans. Then mean old Harry Hamlin goes and cuts her head off.

Here is Commodus again, this time dressed up like Hercules.

Sarah is overwelmed by the art.

Here is the original of the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius. It was erected in 176 AD. The replica in the piazza was put up in 1981.

Sarah with the contemporary bronze version of Constantine.

These steps lead down to China. Wait, they're in Italy. So they lead down to the Pacific Ocean somewhere.

Sarah lets that dog know who's boss. It's important to let the animal know that you are the dominant one. I learned that from the Dog Whisperer.

I can't remember who this poor fellow is.

Or this poor fellow.

I just like that Saint Peter Martyr (on the left) has a sword in his head.

Sarah gazes in wonder at the real colossal statue of Constantine.
And his feet.
Sorry that I rushed through this one. We gotta go eat.
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