Friday, September 5, 2008

Assisi - part 3

Once again I really don't have much to say about these pictures. We did't see a lot of big name works of art or landmarks (other than the church). Most of these pictures are just showing the beauty of Assisi. Prepare to be amazed by my ridiculously awesome photography skills.

Now that I say that I can't remember why I took this one. I think that I just liked the building. It is such a charming town. It looks like an ideal place to live, except for the swarms of tourists. Sometimes I wonder about the people that do live in these Italian towns and I think it would be almost like living in Disney World.

Another church. I don't know which one it was. It's not St. Francis's church. And if it's not St. Francis's church I don't give a rat's ass. Sorry. I was paraphrasing a line from tv.

Here's one leaning building.

A view of Assisi from the hilltop above.

The road back to the train station. They stuffed people into the buses that ran back and forth every half hour.

Another leaning building. My dad just mentioned that they got hit by an earthquake recently. A couple of people were killed in St. Francis's church when part of the roof collapsed during an aftershock. Sarah knew about it too and pointed out the damaged ceiling when we were inside. Of course, we weren't allowed to take pictures.

I liked the fact that this visiting friar was in line for pizza like everyone else.

I also like the little tree that was growing above one of the gates out of town.

And that is all from Assisi. I think we might have another chance to go with Sarah's school. Maybe then I'll take some pictures in the basilica and get her class kicked out. We'll see.

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